Recently I was in Ohio visiting my grandparents. My mom cleared out a bunch of stuff and we attempted to have a garage sale, although it rained the day of and we ended up taking a lot of it to Goodwill. The weather was perfect not too hot and cool enough to have the windows open at night. My Aunt Karla also came for a few days and we had a great time with her as well.
This is my Uncle Barry, Aunt Sheila and cousins Amanda and Aaron. Amanda was also in town she lives in Colorado and does a lot of photography.
This is one of the two truckloads that we took to Goodwill, it was a long day.
The cousin picture, Alec is the only one missing there are only four cousins on my mom's side.
My Aunt Karla and mom trying on hats.
Here are my sweet grandparents, aren't they cute!
Here we all are, the famous couch picture.
Here is a belly picture of me at 20 weeks.
My cousin Aaron helping out, not.
This is Guy in his server room, he is extremely proud of his color coded wires. It is very neat especially when you look at the server room next to his, it looks awful.
This is my latest cake I made for John David's first birthday. It's suppose to look like the goldfish cracker.
Great pictures! I love going to my grandparents houses...isn't it just one of your favorite places ever? Glad you had a great trip! Happy to hear the baby is doing good and I can already tell (just from his ultrasound pics) that he is precious! Miss you.
CONGRATS!!! You are going to be such an amazing mom! Where are ya'll living?
That cake is awesome....I might steal that idea for Trey's b-day. I see you are looking more and more prego. Have you made the switch to maternity pants? You're so cute!
That cake is awesome! What kid isn't in love with goldfish crackers??!!
Your sonogram pictures make me miss being glad everything is healthy with your little man!
i love your pics! and WOW, i love your cake. i didn't know you were doing that! you are amazing! i wish you were here to make my kids' birthday cakes!
Love the blog looking forward to seeing you enter the 3rd trimester and then the big day!!
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