Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's a BOY!!

This this is our little boy, the bottom picture the baby is looking up at us.  
Turns out Guy's 94% prediction was accurate after all.  

We had another ultrasound today because one of my blood test came back with abnormal results so they wanted to get a closer look at the baby.  We were a little nervous about today, but we came away with great news.  The baby looks just as he should, I go back in four weeks for another ultrasound to get a closer look at the heart and he will have grown even more.  We praise God for the good news and rest in peace knowing he's in control of our baby, and he knows what he's doing!


The Houston's said...

Yay!!! I am soooo happy for ya'll!!

Abbie said...

A baby Gee! Ha ha- Fran, I have to say, that will be quite the house-full for you! :) I love the "looking up" picture! Looks like he's totally cheesing for the camera! Congratulations! Boys are the best! (just think how much easier the teenage years will be!)

Mara said...

Hooray! Did Guy tell you I had a dream that y'all had a boy? I'm thrilled that you and baby Gee are healthy...that's the most important thing. Love you!!!

Ashley said...

What precious pictures of your little miracle!! Boys are such a joy to your heart...what adventures await you! God IS so faithful!

Tiger and DeAndria said...

Okay, I'm glad that everything turned out okay from the ultrasound. I'm still a little bummed that Guy's prediction came out right. He was just so confident with no realy reason to be?????

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful news (it would be either way), but yeah for a boy! Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Brooke said...

Fran, you will be such a great mother to this baby boy! Congratulations!

Bicky said...

wow!!! It's a boy!! I can't believe you're far enough along to find out already. Doesn't finding out make it feel more real? I'm so amazed - I'm so glad you're posting the sonogram pics. I love seeing little Mays grow! Now it's on to the choosing of the names. :) I want to see some pictures of you!

Love and miss you!

mindy said...

Hey Fran! I just found your blog. Congratulations on your baby boy!!!!

Kate said...

Hey Francesca! Just found your blog. Congratulations on the baby boy! I am so excited for y'all! Wonderful news!

Cindy said...

Yeah a boy! Now you can change your whole life to blue/grey/brown.. ha! Hope you are doing and feeling great. Can you feel him moving?